Interview with Marisa Monteiro Borsboom, Ambassador for Portugal of ELTA

Today we interview Marisa Monteiro Borsboom, Founder, President and CHO of Humanity of Things and Ambassador for Portugal and Board member of ELTA, European Legal Technology Association, the association of law firms, companies, vendors, start-up and individuals that since 2016 aims to bring together legal technology experts in Europe and represent their interests.

Before discussing her vision of legal technology with Marisa, let’s get to know her a little better.

Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers! What’s your name and your job in the legal tech scenario?

Hi, I’m Marisa Monteiro Borsboom, lawyer and legal tech trainer, and advisor

Why do you think that innovation and technology are essential in the legal sector?

I think that innovation is as vital as in any other sector to adapt to the Digitech revolution. It is a matter of imperative adaptation. 

You are Ambassador/Director at ELTA. Why should one join a legal tech association? 

I am an ambassador for Portugal and a board member. For me joining the European community was also the guaranty I would be updated with the progress of the sector itself 

Give our readers a quick picture of legal tech in your country. Let’s start from this: is the legal system aligned with the level of innovation of the country’s economic, social and cultural contexts?

In Portugal, the legal tech ecosystem is still in development and is trying to get aligned with the progress occurring in other sectors, but we have a long way to go, even in the awareness department 

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