Interview with Holger Zscheyge, President of ELTA

Today we interview Holger Zscheyge, President of ELTA, European Legal Technology Association, the association of law firms, companies, vendors, start-up and individuals that since 2016 aims to bring together legal technology experts in Europe and represent their interests.

Before discussing with Holger his vision on legal technology, let’s get to know him a little better.

Hi Holger, please introduce yourself to our readers! What’s your name and your job in the legal tech scenario?

I am the founder and managing director of Infotropic Media, a legal publisher and legal innovation event organizer in Russia, Moscow. Educated in finance and business administration in Russia and Germany, I’ve worked for over 25 years in the information services industry, serving legal, tax, and business professionals.

I am also a frequent speaker at conferences, corporate training, and university courses on legal tech and innovation topics.

I am currently President of ELTA, the European Legal Technology Association.

Why do you think that innovation and technology are important in the legal sector? 

The legal industry has an efficiency problem that has been covered up by the outdated business model of the billable hour. By transforming their business processes with technology, lawyers could earn more money and make their services more affordable – a win-win situation. 

Which are the most promising verticals in legal tech today?

 I’d say: contract lifecycle management, data analytics, collaboration tools

You are the President of ELTA. Why should one join a legal tech association? 

Transforming the legal industry is still an uphill battle. However, it is better to join a community of like-minded professionals than to fight the fight alone. Very often, someone already solved the problem you face or developed the tool you are looking for. An association like ELTA provides both information / best practices and a community platform. 

Give our readers a quick picture of legal tech in the country you work. Let’s start from this: is the legal system aligned with the level of innovation of the country’s economic, social and cultural contexts? 

In Russia’s country, the legal system is pretty well prepared for legal tech and innovation. Almost no regulations limit the practice of law so that non-lawyers can freely enter certain areas of the legal market. The government invested in the necessary infrastructure for providing data to legal tech start-ups – all federal and most local legislation, as well as court decisions, are accessible for free online. Additionally, a large amount of case-related matters is accessible online as well. Courts, especially commercial courts, are equipped for online proceedings. And there are local legal tech solutions available for almost all processes in law firms / legal departments. The mindset of lawyers towards innovation and automation, though, is still behind the curve. But this is changing after the pandemic, slowly but steadily. 

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! If you liked ELTA’s mission, please give your maximum support by simply sharing their website https://europe-legaltech.org on social media!

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Photocredits: www.cloutlegal.com

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